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Vacation rentals in Italy - Bed and Breakfasts - Hotels - Selected by

Vacation Rental in Orosei - Sardinia - Italy

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esterno sulla via in centro storico sulla zona giorno..... angolo pranzo all'interno  e a fianco alla terrazza adatta per mangiare fuori. l'angolo cottura la cam. da letto con tetto tipico la vsita dalla terrazza sui tetti delle antiche abitazioni il nostro mare! il nostro mare il nostro mare!

Antica e tipica casa sarda ad OROSEI

OLDSARDINIA C.0M - Orosei (NU) - Italy
Up to 7 people Gluten Free Foods - Food from Biological Agricolture - Internet WiFiNear the Sea -

Ancient and typical CASA SARDA of 1600, two minutes from the sea! These are typical and comfortable dwellings. Some have air conditioning. They allow you to make a vacation two minutes from the sea and a short walk from all the essential amenities for a comfortable and enjoyable vacation.

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