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Vacation rentals in Italy - Bed and Breakfasts - Hotels - Selected by

Bed and Breakfast in Fano - Marche - Italy

I Passeggi

Via 4 Novembre, 122 - Fano (PU) - Italy
Up to 12 people

I Passeggi is much more than just a Bed and Breakfast Fano, it is a structure that is the brainchild of Fabio and Silvio, who have always been attentive and present in the world of hospitality and hospitality. That is why courtesy, helpfulness, and the discretion of wanting to create a special stay and experience are in fact the main ingredients guaranteed to every guest.

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Departure (dd/mm/yyyy) (*)

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(**) Please, note that this is a not mandatory reservation, but a request for availability and general information.


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