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Vacation rentals in Italy - Bed and Breakfasts - Hotels - Selected by

Apartment in Palermo - Sicily - Italy

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Appartamentino Gabriella

Via del Medico, 5 - Palermo (PA) - Italy
Up to 4 people Internet WiFi

Located 1.6 km from the Cathedral and a 2 km from Palazzo dei Normanni. Located at 500 meters. from Piazza Politeama and Teatro Politeama, is 23 km from Palermo airport. The old village is a great choice for travelers interested in food, culture and the monuments. The area is very characteristic and in the square below there are bars, pubs, kiosks with barbecues and restaurants.

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N.Adults (*)
Arrival (dd/mm/yyyy) (*)
Departure (dd/mm/yyyy) (*)

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(**) Please, note that this is a not mandatory reservation, but a request for availability and general information.


Room Type Minimum Maximum
Single 20.00 -
Double 20.00 37.00
Prices in Euros - Per room per night

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