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Vacation rentals in Italy - Bed and Breakfasts - Hotels - Selected by

Hotel in Arvier - Valle d'Aosta - Italy

Hotel Col Du Mont

Via Corrado Gex 74 - Arvier (AO) - Italy
Up to 44 people Internet WiFi

Family run hotel. In a historic place where for 13 generations you have been handed over to the hotel owner. Restaurant only on order.

Contact form

Ask for availability and more information

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Email (*)
Telephone (*)
N.Adults (*)
Arrival (dd/mm/yyyy) (*)
Departure (dd/mm/yyyy) (*)

(*) Mandatory field
(**) Please, note that this is a not mandatory reservation, but a request for availability and general information.


Room Type Minimum Maximum
Double 80.00 -
Triple 115.00 -
Quad 140.00 -
Prices in Euros - Per room per night

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