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Bed and Breakfast in Ugento - Apulien - Italien

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Antonio Andrea Scorrano

Via Pescara - Ugento (LE) - Italien
Bis zu 3 Menschen Glutenfreie Lebensmittel - Internet WiFiNahe der Meeres -

The B&B Carpe Diem Ugento is located in Salento, near Gallipoli, the tourist resort par excellence for those who want to spend their holidays in Apulia; the coast of Torre San Giovanni can be reached in just 5 minutes, where there are the most beautiful beaches of Italy. The B&B Carpe Diem is a villa with garden, recently renovated. The rooms are furnished with style and originality, with private access, private bath, TV, fridge, and wi-fi, kitchenette. Max. privacy


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(**) Bitte beachten, dass dies ist eine nicht verpflichtend Reservierung, aber eine Anfrage fur Verfugbarkeit und allgemeine Informationen.


Zimmer Minimum Maximum
Doppelzimmer 50.00 80.00
Dreibettzimmer 65.00 95.00
Prices in Euros - Per room per night

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